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What is Pay it Forward?

Pay it Forward is a grant organized by journalists, for journalists. Journalists or their outlets pay a fee to submit a piece of journalism, be it print, multimedia, or broadcast/documentary into one of our contests. We analyze submitted works based on their impact, whether within the world or the community. Then, using entry fees and donations, we award grants to winners to put toward more investigation into the topic.


We prioritize journalism that covers topics that are often brushed over in today's sensationalist media culture. We believe that the journalism that has the greatest impact isn't always what receives the most funding. That's why we created Pay it Forward: to encourage journalist to cover the things that matter.

How are the awards distributed?

Awards are distributed between different divisions and categories. The divisions are local journalism and national/international journalism. The categories are print (including online), multimedia, and broadcast/documentary. Entry costs are lower for local journalism and higher for national journalism, and the fees collected in each division go toward its awards. There aren't a set amount of grant recipients, as this varies based on the amount of entries in a given category. 

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